By Laws

Effective August 13, 2003

Article 1 - Name

Article 2 - purpose

Article 3 - Membership

Article 4 - meetings

article 5 - officers and duties

Article 6 - nominations and election of officers

article 7 - government

article 8 - Finances

article 9 - amendments

Article 10 - appeals


Article 1 - Name


SECTION 1:  The name of this organization shall be the Delaware Cheerleading Coaches Association (DCCA).



Article 2 - purpose


SECTION 1:  The purpose of this organization shall be to form a liaison between school administration (i.e. principals, presidents, athletic directors) and coaches for support of cheerleading activities; to encourage the administration to appoint qualified personnel tot he position of cheerleader coach; to standardize cheerleading guidelines and safety regulations throughout the state; to promote the recognition of cheerleading; to provide information, guidance, support and training to the coaches within the state; to promote the highest professional standard of coaching; and to encourage membership to include coaches and advisors from all Delaware schools and organizations.



Article 3 - Membership


SECTION 1:  Membership is open to any school (grammar, junior high/middle, secondary, college) or organization coach/advisor who has a cheerleading program.


"Full" membership

Eligible:  current cheer program affiliation


Includes:  full voting privileges



"Individual" membership

Eligible:  any previous DCCA member without a current cheer program affiliation



SECTION 2:  A member in good standing is a member whose annual dues have been received by the Treasurer.


Membership shall run from October 1st - September 30th.


The Treasurer will mail all members in good standing a notice of the cost of annual dues renewal on or before September 1st.  The notice shall include the name, address and phone number of the Treasurer for the coming year.



SECTION 3:  Membership dues should be received by the Treasurer on or before November 1st.


Failure to do so will result in the loss of voting privileges until dues have been received by the Treasurer.


On November 2, the Treasurer will notify in writing those members who lost voting privileges because their dues have not been received.



SECTION 4:  Full/Individual membership entitles each person to "one" vote on all matters before the DCCA.


SECTION 5:  The Board of Directors will determine the amount of the annual dues.



Article 4 - meetings


SECTION 1:  The general membership meeting calendar shall be determined for the coming year at the last general membership meeting prior to the next fiscal year.


SECTION 2:  The location of the general membership meetings shall be determined for the coming year at the last general membership meeting prior to the next fiscal year.


SECTION 3:  A general membership meeting must consist of 20% of the voting membership.


SECTION 4:  Voting at all general membership meetings shall be determined by the majority vote (50% +1) of all attending members in good standing.  Absentee ballots will be accepted if a signature is on file of the absent member for verification.


SECTION 5:  The Executive Board shall have the authority to call special meetings for all matters that they deem necessary.


SECTION 6:  Committee meetings shall be scheduled when deemed necessary by the committee chairpersons.


SECTION 7:  Communications Director shall notify members in writing, at least one week in advance, of the time and location of general membership meetings and events pertaining to the organization.



article 5 - officers and duties




The officers of this organization, also referred to as the Board of Directors, shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Communication Director, and Sergeant-at-Arms.


The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.



SECTION 2:  The President shall preside at meetings; assume full responsibility for the operation of the organization; appoint committees as needed; see to it that the personnel are properly briefed on all phases of the rules, regulations, and policies of DCCA; serve as ex-officio member of all committees; act as liaison between DCCA the School Principal's Association and the Athletic Directors Association; has the authority to cosign checks and withdrawals on the treasury; and perform all duties incidental to her/his office.  The Presidents shall abstain from voting unless a tie occurs.


SECTION 3:  The Vice-president shall act in the absence of the President; as a liaison between committee chairpersons and the Executive Board; has the authority to cosign checks and withdrawals drawn on the treasury; stand in on any vacant office until a newly appointed officer is approved; and carry out all such duties an assignments as may be delegated by the President.


SECTION 4:  The Treasurer shall manage the organization's finances:  shall pay all obligations; collect all dues; sign checks and withdrawals drawn on the treasury; maintain books ledgers, financial statements; to provide a Treasurer's report at each general membership meeting; detailed financial report for any and each DCCA event; and present a written report at the end of her/his term; and carry out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the Presidents.


SECTION 5:  The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings; distribute the minutes of the meetings; be responsible for the balloting and tallying of votes; and carry out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.


SECTION 6:  The Communications Director shall be responsible for notifying members of meetings and Special meetings (times and locations and upcoming events); coordinate general membership drive biannually and carry out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the President.


SECTION 7:  The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be responsible for enforcing all rules and regulation of the DCCA constitution/By Laws and carry out such duties and assignments as may be delegated by the Presidents.


SECTION 8:  In the event of a vacancy in any office, except that of President, the President shall appoint, with the approval of the Board of Directors, a qualified member to fulfill the un-expired term.


SECTION 9:  In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice-presidents shall fulfill the un-expired term.


SECTION 10:  All resignations of the Officers must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board of the DCCA.



Article 6 - nominations and election of officers


SECTION 1:  Any candidate for office must be a member in good standing.


SECTION 2:  The election of officers will be held at the end of each office's respective term during the last general membership meeting prior to the start of the next fiscal year.


SECTION 3:  Nominations of officers, for offices whose terms are expiring, will be accepted during the August general membership meeting.


SECTION 4:  Nominations will be accepted from the "voting" membership.  Individuals are permitted to be nominated for only one office.


SECTION 5:  The President will supervise the nomination of officers.


SECTION 6:  Voting will be conducted in accordance with Article 4, Section 4.  Except that the vote will only be accepted by written ballot.  In case of a tie, the Secretary shall notify the President and the President shall cast the deciding vote.


SECTION 7:  Starting October 2003, officers shall be elected to alternating two year terms by the voting membership at the September general membership meeting and shall take office October 1st.  Officers are restricted to two consecutive two-year terms in any one office.  The President, Secretary and Communications Director shall be elected in one election year and the Vice-President, Treasurer and Sergeant-At-Arms in the following year.


SECTION 8:  A list of names, addresses, and phone numbers of all officers and members shall be made available to all members as soon as possible after the election by the Secretary.



article 7 - government


SECTION 1:  The government of DCCA shall be vested in the Board of Directors consisting of the elected President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications Director, and Sergeant-at-Arms.


SECTION 2:  The majority Executive Board in its entirety, shall have the power to act in cases of emergency and when felt to be in the best interest of the DCCA; provided every effort has been made to contact all Executive Board members.  The Secretary will record the minutes of any Executive Board meeting.


SECTION 3:  'Robert's Rules of Order' (newly revised) shall govern the proceedings of all meetings of the DCCA unless otherwise provided in these by-laws.



article 8 - Finances


SECTION 1:  The fiscal year of DCCA shall begin on October 1 and end on September 30.


SECTION 2:  The budget of expenses for the fiscal year must be submitted by the Treasurer to the membership for approval at the November general membership meeting.


SECTION 3:  The Executive Board, or an individual designated by the Executive Board, shall conduct an audit of the last year's finances of DCCA between October 1st and October 31st.  The results of that audit shall be presented at the November general membership meeting.


SECTION 4:  No member of DCCA shall contract any debt in the name of DCCA without first receiving proper authority from the Executive Board.



article 9 - amendments


SECTION 1:  The by laws of this organization may be amended provided:


The proposed amendments have been submitted tot he Board of Directors in writing.


The Secretary has provided to all members in good standing a written copy of the existing by laws and any proposed amendments.


All members in good standing have at least 30 days written notice of the date of the meeting at which the vote on the proposed amendments will take place.


The vote on the proposed amendments is conducted in accordance with Article 4, Section 4.



Article 10 - appeals


SECTION 1:  Members in good standing may appeal any decision:


Approved by the general membership of the DCCA.


Approved by the Executive Board at a special Executive Board Meeting.



SECTION 2:  All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Secretary for the presentation at the next general membership meeting.


SECTION 3:  Appeals must be submitted prior to the next general membership meeting following the decision.


SECTION 4:  Voting on all appeals shall be in accordance with Article 4, Section 4.  That decision for that appeal is final.

DCCA Home Mission Statement Membership